Well, hello there! Yes, hi, it’s me. I’m alive and well and… back!
Where did I go? I’m so glad you asked.
If you didn’t know, I’m a Graphic, Production, and Website designer turned Health Coach and Yoga Teacher who still freelances. For the last 6.5 years, I’ve contracted to a company called Health 2.0 creating the branding and producing designed items for their conferences, including their biggest event of the year: the fall conference. This past October 1 - 4 I helped put on their 11th Annual Fall Conference, which was my 6th show.
Health 2.0 tracks the progression of technology in the health care industry. As hard and tiring as the work is for me to help put on this beast of an event, it’s extremely rewarding to see what people are doing to utilize technology to try and encourage people to take their health into their own hands and have a better, easier, less time consuming, and more affordable experience with the US health care system.
One theme I noticed throughout this years conference is the prevalence of coaching popping up within big health systems. I have A LOT to say on this subject and am looking forward to talking to you about it, but have decided to save it for another post.

Besides having my head buried in my computer for hours on end being a design machine, I’ve been teaching fitness classes three days a week, yoga classes three days a week, and subbing every chance I get. I’ve also been health coaching clients at night, which I’m growing to love more and more. This, right here, is my calling.
So, I was still here, but taking a little bit of a break off of social media and blogging in order to put all of my focus on my face-to-face commitments. With the conference project done, I’m back and ready to share more with you guys and have a few pretty exciting things up my sleeve to roll out over the next few months.

In the mean time, here’s a recipe for a Pumpkin Pie Protein Smoothie.
A few years ago, I read the book Gut Bliss by Dr. Robynne Chutkan. Unfortunately, through multiple moves I’ve misplaced the book (my birthday is coming up if anyone wants to replace it!). In Gutbliss Robynne had a recipe for a pumpkin smoothie and, maybe because it’s fall and pumpkin flavor is now everywhere you look, a few weeks ago I randomly got a big craving for it. I couldn’t find the book and couldn’t find the recipe online anywhere, so I went by memory and embellished a little bit. Once I had a finished product I loved, I couldn't help but share it:
PUMPKIN PIE PROTEIN SMOOTHIE Cook time: 5 minutes | Serves: 1
1 cup Non-dairy Milk (I use Wholistic Belly’s Homemade Hemp Milk)
1/2 Froze Banana
1 Carrot
1 Nub Fresh Ginger, Peeled
1/2 Cup Pumpkin Puree
1 Tbls Almond Butter
1 Scoop Vegan Protein and Greens Vanilla Protein Powder
1 tsp Cinnamon
Put all ingredients in a blender.
Serve and enjoy!